Fulmuth Kearney, who is Obama's third great-grandfather, left Moneygall for New York in 1850 to eventually settle in Ohio."We've never seen such an interest in any election here ever before," said Henry Healy, who claims to be a distant relation of Hawaiian-born Mr Obama.
Mr Healy, whose family has been in Moneygall since 1750, has traced his family tree to meet the Kearney Obama dynasty.
"In 1760 a Joseph Kearney of the parish of Moneygall married a Sarah Healy also of the parish," he said. "Sarah and Joseph are great-grandparents to Fulmuth Kearney who was Barack's last link to Ireland," said Mr Healy.
Residents of Moneygall, on the N7 Limerick road, are gearing up for a US election party in Ollie Hayes's Bar in the town tomorrow night.